Distance Training

Basic kit "Minor Misdemeanor"
Your sentence and penalties will be shipped to you by mail and consist of the following: 1. Criminal file including imposed penalty 2. Prison uniform with personal prisoner number 3. Chastity device (KG CB3000 **** cage) Costs: 24.900 Coins  In addition, if the time taken for the purpose of the remote education turns out to be insufficient [zum Artikel]
24900 Coins
Distance Training "Serious Offenses"
Your personal criminal file, along with your prison uniform and the chastity device incl. 3 hours distance training. [zum Artikel]
50000 Coins
Distance Training "Moderate Offenses"
Your personal criminal file, along with your prison uniform and the chastity device incl. 2 hours distance training. [zum Artikel]
42500 Coins
Distance Training "Light Offenses"
Your personal criminal file, along with your prison uniform and the chastity device incl. 1 hour distance training. [zum Artikel]
35000 Coins
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